Influencing the Shift | Inclusive Sport and Recreation Summit

May 10th, 2019

Influencing the Shift | Inclusive Sport and Recreation Summit

May 10th, 2019

Full-Day Event

Holiday Inn, 437 Prince St. Truro, NS

Please click HERE to be directed to Eventbrite to make ticket purchases.

Ticket sales will end on Monday, May 6th at 11PM

We are so excited for this event that we can’t contain it! We decided you should all know why we are so excited by sharing some of the amazing speakers that will be joining us for Influencing the Shift | Inclusive Sport & Recreation Summit.

Please see below for a snippet of the schedule for the day!

8 :30 Registration
9:00 Opening Remarks
9:30 Panel 1: Policy Development

Adam Dedrick – Municipality of Shelburne

Rachel Bedingfield – Town of Kentville

10:30 Collaboration Break
10:45 Panel 2: Programming

Pecha-Kucha Format

11:45 Wellness Break
12:15 – 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 Intro to Afternoon Session
1:10 Panel 3: Training Resources

Tom Fahie – Special Olympics NS

Recreation Therapist from IWK Health Centre

2:15 Collaboration Break
2:30 Gerry Post

Executive Director of the Accessibility Directorate

3:00 Panel 4: Facilities

Max Chauvin – Joseph Zatzman Sports Complex

Ross Sampson – Rick Hansen Facility Accessibility Certification

Debby Smith – Communities, Culture & Heritage

4:00 Closing Remarks


**Please note the schedule is subject to change.

Follow the event page on Facebook for more information and speaker updates leading up to the event!

Influencing the Shift | Inclusive Sport & Recreation Summit.