A quick note on COVID-19 and your pool

March 16th, 2020

RFANS recognizes that many recreational facilities have elected to shut down during this time but we wanted to share some information that may help those still operating or for your operations when you reopen. Water & Ice North America has addressed COVID-19 and your pool. Below is an email from Robert Hickey with information you may find helpful.

“The phone calls are starting to come in regarding pools and the virus that is flooding the news.  I want to alleviate your concerns and assure you that normal disinfection levels in pools and hot tubs is sufficient to get rid of COVID-19 virus (according to the CDC).  Having said that, it is very important that normal disinfection levels and pH are *maintained* at ALL TIMES.

What operators have not been asking, but should be, is about surfaces around the pool.  Disinfectant levels in pools will take care of the virus if it gets into the water, but every surface around the pool must be disinfected to avoid transmittance of the virus.  Ladders and handrails, decks and walls, changerooms, etc.  These surfaces should always be cleaned, just more frequently right now.

Most governments are currently suggesting the restriction of large gatherings.  It is not a time to panic, but to come up with innovative ways to reduce the risks to the most vulnerable members of society.  Some pools have already instituted temporary reduction of number of bathers, and postponing the start of the next session of swimming lessons.  We are lucky enough to have very few cases reported in Atlantic Canada, and most people are being responsible enough to self-quarantine.

Now, just because you work with chlorine/bromine every day does not make you some kind of immunity superhero.  We deal with all kinds of nastiness in and around the pool environment.  Same as always, but moreso right now, WASH YOUR HANDS.”

Hand Washing Poster