2021-2022 RFANS New Board of Directors

June 21st, 2021


The Annul General Meeting of the RFANS Board of Directors was held virtually for the second year on Thursday, June 17th, 2021.

We would like to thank outgoing Member at Large Director Danny Harvieux for his time and dedication to the board.

We would also like to welcome new Board Members:

Scott Preston as Member at Large

Angie Tavares as Highland Regional Representative

Kelly Cunningham as the South Shore Regional Representative

You can contact any of the board members HERE.

The 2021-2022 Board of Directors:

President – Bob Quigley

Vice President – Bill Cruikshank

Past President – Paul MacDonald

Secretary – Lana McMullen

Treasurer – Bud MacInnis

Cape Breton Regional Representative – Paul Carroll

Highland Regional Representative – Angie Tavares

Fundy Regional Representative – Shannon Jarvis

Central Regional Representative – Shauna Moulton

Valley Regional Representative – Kevin Bennett

South Shore Regional Representative – Kelly Cunningham

Member at Large – Corporate – Paul Taljaard

Member at Large – Scott Preston

Dept of Communities Culture and Heritage – Robin Norrie Ex-Officio