Letter Re: Increasing gathering limits

On August 24th, 2020, after consultation with some of our members and based off of concerns brought to the association, RFANS submitted a letter to Dr. Strang and Premier McNeil requesting an increase to the gathering limit to allow more participants to take part in sport, recreate and play games. This letter was sent to highlight the issues recreation facilities are facing due to the restrictions in place.

View the letter submitted here.

Your support on this matter could greatly impact this challenge and its resolution. If you are one of the recreation facilities in Nova Scotia trying to determine if you will open, planning to delay opening, already decided you will not be opening or your operations are greatly affected by the restrictions we are encouraging you to reach out to your local MLA to discuss this issue. Some of our recreation facilities have done this and it seems to be catching attention of government and will go a long way in influencing change.

Find your local MLA here.

If you have any questions please contact RFANS at rfans@sportnovascotia.ca or at 902-425-5450 ext. 330.