RFANS New Board of Directors

September 1st, 2020

As per our Annual General Meeting held this morning, September 1st, we are pleased to introduce our 2020/2021 Board of Directors:

President: Jennie Greencorn
Vice President: Bob Quigley
Past President: Paul MacDonald
Secretary: Lana McMullen
Treasurer: Klea Jokic
Cape Breton Regional Rep: Paul Carroll
Central Regional Rep: Shauna Moulton
Fundy Regional Rep: Shannon Jarvis
Highland Regional Rep: Bud MacInnis
South Shore Regional Rep: Bill Cruickshank
Valley Regional Rep: Kevin Bennett
Member at Large: Danny Harvieux
Member at Large (Corporate): Paul Taljaard
Ex-Officio: Robin Norrie

If you missed our AGM you can watch the recording here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8990604735078085135