Business ACCESS Ability Grant

Dear Business Association and Operator,

Do you want to open your business to a growing market?

About one in five Nova Scotians identifies as a person with a disability. The Nova Scotia Government is now offering a $1 million-dollar fund to support business owners who want to improve accessibility to their businesses.

The Nova Scotia Government will fund up to two thirds of projects that will make your business more accessible to persons with disabilities for trade or employment through the Business ACCESS-Ability Program.

Funding is available for:

  1. Built Environment: Removal of physical barriers for persons (customers and employees) to access business services, including the installation of ramps, accessible washrooms, door opener and other projects. (expense cap $50,000)
  2. Accessible Communication Services: Ensuring that all customers, clients and employees can access information related to a business. (expense cap $30,000)
  3. Assistive Devices: Ensuring that employees and consumers who are persons with disabilities have the devices they need to effectively do their jobs and access places of business. (expense cap $30,000)
  4. Universal Design Capacity Building: Training in the field of Universal Design and professional technical service. (100% for the Rick Hansen Foundation Certification Training Program)
  5. Accessible Transportation: Providing support for businesses to make improvements, allowing for improved access to transportation services. (expense cap $20,000).

Everyone has a role to play in making our province more accessible and it is encouraging to see the leadership displayed by business to do their part to help reduce barriers for persons with disabilities and provide more employment opportunities.

Promoting a more inclusive and accessible province is a vital part of government’s culture strategy, Nova Scotia’s Culture Action Plan.

An accessible province is good for everyone.

For information or to apply for funding please visit