Partnership Opportunities!

July 26, 2018

The Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia (RFANS) would like to extend the opportunity for your organization to partner on one or more of our association initiatives!

Our mission is to provide leadership in developing, promoting, and advocating excellence in recreation facilities, operations and personnel. Corporate partners are integral to enabling RFANS to deliver such quality programs and training, as well as, deliver resources to our members and those working in the recreation operations field.

Below is our partnership proposal. Corporate members will receive a discounted price for all partnerships. RFANS strives to provide partnership opportunities that are mutually beneficial. These partnerships are meant to benefit our membership and course participants. Partnership enables us to keep the cost of our offerings affordable and helps us to develop more valuable resources.

Many of our initiatives are quickly approaching so please take note of the deadlines for each proposal. If you feel that none of the proposed partnerships meet the objective of your corporation RFANS would be happy to discuss other options.

If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss the partnership further feel free to contact 902-425-5450 x 330 or

Partnership details can be found here.